Thursday, July 26, 2007

Week 9 Thing 20. What I think about YouTube.

What I think about YouTube. Firstly,YouTube is becoming a much more acceptable mainstream service. What was once a forum for weird home movies and strange mashups, has now been used in a CNN/YouTube Democratic debate. See for commentary on this. Though old school politicians may speak against this type of debate, those with a better ear for public opinion, are realizing that the internet, YouTube included, opens up all kinds of avenues for them.
Secondly, it is a great place to find old footage of those bands you were such a fan of way back when. If you are doing specific searches, YouTube is very good. As with other sites if you are just browsing you can come up with all sorts of stuff you don't want & some of very dubious subject matter, however, you may also find that nugget that is really cool.

I first tried to input the video into my blog using an account with YouTube & having them add the video to my blog. Despite a message saying that the video would be placed in my Blog shortly, it never turned up, so I went ahead & used the embedding method.

I could see the library taking video of special occasions or programs & putting them on YouTube, or making small service announcements, e.g. what we do at HCPL. Or putting short training clips on there so that all staff could see the same information about a new database or piece of software.

Google Video site was nicely laid out & had a good range of material, I found Yahoo video more limited. I was surprised that Yahoo Video was voted #1.

With all of these video sites both sound and picture quality varies tremendously as does subject matter, so it's another case of looking for what you really want. They are all fun to play around with.

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